Appropriate Air Medical Services Utilization and Recommendations for Integration of Air Medical Services Resources into the EMS System of Care: A Joint Position Statement and Resource Document of NAEMSP, ACEP, and AMPA

John W. Lyng , MD, NRPORCID Icon,Sabina Braithwaite , MD, MPHORCID Icon,Heidi Abraham , MD,Christine M. Brent , MD,David A. Meurer , MD,Alexander Torres , DO, MBA,Peter V. Bui , MD,Douglas J. Floccare , MD, MPH,Andrew N. Hogan , MDORCID Icon,Justin Fairless , DO, NRP &Ashley Larrimore , MD
Full Citation
John W. Lyng , Sabina Braithwaite , Heidi Abraham , Christine M. Brent , David A. Meurer , Alexander Torres , Peter V. Bui , Douglas J. Floccare , Andrew N. Hogan , Justin Fairless & Ashley Larrimore (2021) Appropriate Air Medical Services Utilization and Recommendations for Integration of Air Medical Services Resources into the EMS System of Care: A Joint Position Statement and Resource Document of NAEMSP, ACEP, and AMPA, Prehospital Emergency Care, 25:6, 854-873, DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2021.1967534
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Oct 2021
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