Welcome to our first episode of “But Why?” A podcast dedicated to providing education to prehospital clinicians in an entertaining conversation with EMS Physicians, Paramedics, and some good old fashion humor. This podcast is brought to you by Washington University and NAEMSP.Â
Our first episode explores why a Tour De France Cyclist, Tom Simpson,Â
(Tom Simpson)
and high school football player, Max Gilpin, died competing in the sports they loved.Â
We also have a guest physician, Dr. Salvador Rios, who explains the pathology that can cause death if not treated in a time-sensitive manner.Â
Salvador Rios MD
Download our first episode today!
For paramedics, please click here for CEU!
Than you for listening!
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD
Gina Pellerito EMT-P
John Reagan EMT-P
Works Cited
“Le Tour de France for Newbies.” YouTube, uploaded by Phil Moy, August 10 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v6l1_lfFN0.
“Why the Tour de France is so Brutal.” YouTube, uploaded by Phil Moy, August 10 2020, https://youtu.be/ZacOS8NBK6U.
“Accordion Romantic French Music-French Cafe Music.” YouTube, uploaded by Phil Moy, August 10 2020, https://youtu.be/EOanEMfQ_Yg.
“The Story of Tom Simpson Part 6/6.” YouTube, uploaded by Phil Moy, August 10 2020, https://youtu.be/m21PA7cNfWc.
Lake, Thomas. “The Boy Who Died of Football – Sports Illustrated Vault.” SI.com, 6 Dec. 2010, vault.si.com/vault/2010/12/06/the-boy-who-died-of-football.
“Tom Simpson.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 July 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Simpson.