Disaster/Emergency Preparedness/Mass Casualty Events

  • CDC Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications – This website contains a handbook for public information/communications during an emergency, as well as some useful checklists and reference sheets.
  • CDC Emergency Preparedness Website – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a general website for emergency preparedness with links to information for both the general public and healthcare professionals.
  • DHS Active Shooter Resources – The Department of Homeland Security has a website with links to numerous printed and video materials useful in preparing for active shooter events.  The materials are designed for various audiences, including the general public, human resources departments, security and law enforcement personnel, and first responders.
  •  DHS National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) – The NDPC operates in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to bring together members with different areas of expertise in emergency preparedness to provide training for emergency planners and responders.  The consortium includes:
    •  -Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, AL
    • -Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, New Mexico Tech
    • -LSU-NCBRT/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education at Louisiana State University
    • -Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center
    • -National Nuclear Security Administration/CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training
    • -National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawaii
    • -National Center for Emergency Response for Surface Transportation in Pueblo, CO
  • FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) – The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, AL offers numerous emergency preparedness and response courses, open to multiple disciplines (emergency management, EMS/fire, government, HazMat, healthcare, law enforcement, public health, education, search-and-rescue).  Most courses are free of charge to eligible agencies/organizations.
  • HHS ASPR Preparedness Resources Website (TRACIE) – The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response has a resource website, TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange).  TRACIE has a large database of searchable recommendations, checklists, and other resource documents about disaster and mass casualty issues.  There are also discussion forums to network with other professionals involved in healthcare emergency preparedness and response.
  • HHS ASPR Preparedness Website – The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response maintains a main website for public health emergencies, with current HHS news, links to guidance documents and resources, and information regarding ASPR grant programs.
  • National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC)

Downloadable Disaster Medicine Mobile Applications

Mobile REMM (Radiation Emergency Medical Management)
Provides guidance for healthcare providers about diagnosis and treatment of radiation injury during emergencies along with important contact information.

WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders)
A mobile app that provides information on chemicals/hazardous substances, created by the National Library of Medicine with CHEMM (Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management) content produced by the HHS ASPR.  Information is searchable and can be tailored in the app based on the selected role (first responder, HazMat, EMS, hospital provider, planner).  The app can help identify unknown substances based on entered characteristics. Mass casualty triage procedures also included (START, SALT, JumpSTART). 

NIH Disaster Information Management Research Center – Disaster Apps
Collated list of available mobile apps covering CBRNE/HazMat, medical, responder support and safety, psychological health, and other tools for both public/governmental agencies and private response organizations.  Includes the “Show Me for Emergencies” app for those with hearing impairment or limited English proficiency, which uses icons for two way communication in a disaster situation.

Mass Casualty Events

Preparing for a Mass Casualty Event (for the public)
Planning and Response (for healthcare professionals)

National EMS Core Content

The National Association of EMS Physicians led a workgroup as part of the CDC sponsored Terrorism Injuries: Information Dissemination and Exchange project to develop a national guideline for mass casualty triage. The result of this effort is the Model Uniform Core Criteria a list of essential elements for a mass casualty triage system.

They also developed the SALT Triage mass casualty triage scheme. SALT Triage meets the guidelines of the Model Uniform Core Criteria and is freely available.

SALT Training Video – Click here to view a SALT training video provided by the National Disaster Life Support Foundation. For $5, it can be viewed for CME credit.

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