We aim to be a key facilitator of international EMS Development by enabling partnerships for collaboration in EMS development internationally, with a particular interest in low resource settings.
Our committee is made up of members who have special interest in practice outside of the U.S. setting. Our members have a wide variety of backgrounds and may practice in a high-resource area like the U.S., but many also choose to practice or teach in low-resource settings. We have a keen interest in helping to foster EMS system development worldwide.
Committee Chair
Erin Noste
San Diego, CA
[email protected]
Position Statement Translations
Restricción de Movimiento Espinal en el Paciente con Trauma – Una Declaración de Posición Conjunta
Uso de epinefrina para el tratamiento extrahospitalario de la anafilaxia
Atención Clinica y Restricción por Parte de Profesionales de Servicios de Emergencias Medicas para Pacientes Agitados o Combativos
Fin de la Reanimación en Parada Cardiopulmonar Traumatica en Adultos
Terminación de la Reanimación en el paro Cardiopulmonar no Traumatico
NAEMSP Fellow of Association of EMS (FAEMS)
Our committee has provided input into the criteria required for FAEMS for those outside of the US. We discussed the state of EMS as a sub-specialty and emergency medicine as a specialty in our non-US countries of interest. We advocated that having FAEMS designation for those outside the US would help influence the advancement of EMS in our non-US countries of interest.
Recruitment of International EMS Speakers for NAEMSP Annual Meetings
We were successful in recruiting Dr. Yih Yng NG (SCDF) and Dr. Marcus Ong Eng Hock (SHHQ – SGH) to speak at the NAEMSP Annual Meeting 2018 about EMS development in Singapore as the country has had rapid economic development and population growth over the last 50 years. In particular, they gave an interesting perspective on the use of motorcycle medics and identification of local cardiac arrests through the use of a phone app alerting local responders for assistance.
Special Projects
International Medical Directors Course
Currently we’re supporting the creation of a train-the-trainer pre-conference workshop for the International Medical Directors Course prior to the NAEMSP Annual Meeting 2019. This pre-conference workshop aims to identify, prepare and train instructors in the unique cultural and political aspects of international EMS practice.

International Medical Directors Oversight Course held in Quito, Ecuador during EMS World Conference
Interested in Joining the Committee?
Please update your online membership profile to include this committee selection and contact our chair, Erin Noste, to become actively involved.
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