Contributions to NAEMSP PAC

By Mail:

1. Click here to access the donation form.
2. Complete the form and mail it in with a check payable to NAEMSP PAC.
3. Send it to the address below:

529 14th Street NW, Suite 1280
Washington, DC 20045

Important: Mail and checks must be addressed to NAEMSP PAC, not NAEMSP.

By Credit Card:

Click here to make a contribution by credit card.

Note: There is a 4% processing fee for credit cards. To maximize your gift, consider paying by check.

Donation Levels

  • House Level $250 to $499

    Challenge Coin + extra drink ticket at NAEMSP's Annual Meeting Opening Reception

  • Senate Level $500 to $1199

    House Level Benefits + Invite to President Reception at Annual Conference

  • Cabinet Level $1200 to $2999

    Senate Level Benefits + Raffle Entry for one of 3 exclusive bottles of wine

  • President Level $3000 to $4999

    $3000 to $4999

  • Huge, Bigly Level $5000

    President Level Benefits + Chauffeured Airport Transportation at Annual Conference


Since our organization’s inception more than 40 years ago, we have sought to enable the best possible care for our patients while also fostering the growth and advancement of our profession, both domestically and globally.

These efforts include:

  • Development of an outstanding annual conference where cutting-edge research is shared.
  • Promulgation of a world-class, peer-reviewed journal that has been broadly adopted as the official journal of our field.
  • Government advocacy activities that guide law and policy to be consistent with our vision.

Recently, our attention has been focused on the advocacy arena, with an emphasis on lobbying efforts in Washington, DC. These efforts greatly contributed to the successful passage of the Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medication Act of 2017, an essential piece of legislation that affirms EMS’s ability to provide timely, life-saving patient treatment. Our Advocacy Committee continues to challenge us with future goals, including issues related to establishing appropriate compensation for EMS medical direction, and resources committed to EMS research.

A key component of any robust advocacy effort is working with members of Congress to advance policy solutions. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to support Members of Congress who meet with us and take our perspective into consideration when making decisions that impact NAEMSP members and patients. Showing appreciation for their time and interest also helps us to establish strong, long-term relationships with the legislators. The ethical, legal, and transparent method for us to do so is via a Political Action Committee (PAC). 

NAEMSP PAC is a member-supported advocacy effort.  Without this tool, the impact of our advocacy efforts will be severely handicapped. National associations across all disciplines such as educators, hairdressers, and fire fighters utilize well-funded PACs to further their goals – and we are poised to do the same.

We are excited to embark on this next step in our continued mission to provide leadership and foster excellence in EMS. Together, with meaningful and sustained civic engagement, we can truly make a difference for EMS and our patients.  

Please see above for details on the mechanics of how to make your contribution.

Best Regards,

David Tan, MD, EMT-T, FAEMS
Advocacy Chair

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The NAEMSP office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.