NAEMSP Announces Grants, Scholarships and Awards at 2021 Annual Meeting‎

January 29, 2021

Frontline EMS professionals faced unprecedented challenges in 2020 and deserve special recognition for their hard work and dedication. The National Association of EMS Physicians® (NAEMSP®) honored some of these individuals at their virtual NAEMSP 2021 Annual Meeting, January 6-11, with grants, scholarships and awards.

Click on a link below to jump to the winners for that category:

NAEMSP/AMR-FRE EMS Fellows Research Grants
NAEMSP/Stryker EMS Medicine Medical Director Fellowship
NAEMSP/AMR-FRE Professional EMS Scholarship
NAEMSP Professional Awards
NAEMSP Research Awards

NAEMSP/AMR-FRE EMS Fellows Research Grants

NAEMSP and the AMR Foundation for Research and Education (AMR-FRE) presented two $5,000 research grants to help NAEMSP members conduct prehospital care research. This year’s grants will support the following projects:

A Direct Comparison of Two Simplified Neuro-Assessment Scores to the Glasgow Coma Scale for Appropriate Prehospital Activation of Full Trauma Team Resources
Matthew Gangidine, U.S. Air Force

Assessing Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Airway Management Outcomes in a National Cohort of Emergency Medical Services Agencies
Erin Hanlin, McGovern Medical School at UT Health at Houston

NAEMSP/Stryker EMS Medicine Medical Director Fellowship

NAEMSP and Stryker present this 12-month, $80,000 fellowship covers training and education costs to pursue a career as a clinically focused EMS medical director who is board-certified in EMS medicine. The opportunity was created to expand the commitment of academic institutions to EMS medicine as a subspecialty and graduate a fellow with a passion for EMS leadership on a national level.

This year’s winner, Michael Lauria, MD, NRP, FP-C, will complete the fellowship at the University of New Mexico.

“I am honored and humbled to be the recipient of the 2021 NAEMSP-Stryker Fellowship. Over the past 17 years I have been committed to serving my community as both a military and civilian prehospital provider. Now, as a physician, the NAEMSP-Stryker Fellowship will provider fantastic resources to expand my education and fellowship experience. I will use it to engage in experiences around the world and collaborate with prehospital providers of all levels in order to become the best prehospital physician and medical director I can be,” Dr. Lauria said.

NAEMSP/AMR-FRE Professional EMS Scholarship

Every year, the NAEMSP/AMR-FRE ‎Professional EMS Scholarship provides funding for registration, housing and travel related to the NAEMSP Annual Meeting. Because the NAEMSP 2021 Annual Meeting was virtual, this year’s scholarship instead covered EMS professionals’ registration and membership fees.

This year’s winners are: William Ward, Abdullah Alasmari, David Blevins, Ethan Zerpa, Daniel Walter, Caitlin O’Donnell, John Potvin, Sean McMullen, Amy Brookover, Mike Campbell, Kari Dickerson, Benton Austin, Joshua Kimbrell, Wesley Richards, Brandon Griffith, Bradley Goettl. Austin Brandt and Jermaine Clayborne.

NAEMSP Professional Awards

The Ronald D. Stewart Award honors a person who has made a lasting, major contribution to the national EMS community. 
Dr. Craig Manifold, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Health Sciences, School of Health Professions, University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio

The Keith Neely Outstanding Contribution to EMS Award honors an active or past member of NAEMSP who has provided significant leadership to the association.
Dr. Maia Dorsett, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the ‎University of Rochester, Editor of the NAEMSP EMS Med ‎Blog and NAEMSP Education Committee‎ Chair

The Friends of EMS Award honors an individual or organization furthering NAEMSP’s mission by helping to influence or implement national public policy.

Dr. Jon Krohmer, Director of the National Highway Traffic Safety ‎Administration’s Office of EMS in the United States ‎Department of Transportation

The President’s Award honors a member or members of NAEMSP who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the organization by creating new initiatives or furthering the work of the organization.

Dr. Toni Gross‎, 2020 Program Committee Chair
Dr. Ryan Jacobsen, Standards and Clinical Practice‎ Committee Chair

NAEMSP Research Awards

Quality and Safety Course Best Project Awards

EHR Documentation Improvement
R. Allgood NRP, R. Crowe PhD, T. Lardaro MD, T. Arkins MHI, D. Kelley NRPIndianapolis Fire Department

Improving Capture of Outcome Data
William Leggio, EdD, NRP; Jason Gilliam, BS, LP; Shandel Milburn, MBA, LP; Frank Urias, LP; Travis Baker, MCHS, PAC, EMTP; Jason Pickett, MD, FACEP; and Remle Crowe, PhD, EMT

Use of Emergency Warning Devices During EMS Transport to Hospital
Bryan Wilson, MD, NRP, FAAEM; St. Luke’s University Health Network 
Stephanie Ashford Ed.S., NRP; St. Charles County Ambulance District

Best Scientific Presentation

Effect of Airway Strategy Upon Chest Compression Quality in the Pragmatic Airway Resuscitation Trial
Henry Wang, Xabier Jaureguibeitia, Ahamed Idris, Unai Iruste, Erik Gonazalez, Tom Aufderheide, Matthew Hansen, Ryan Huebinger, Robert Schmicker, Jestin Carlson, M. Riccardo Colella, Richard Gordon, Robert Suchting, Elisabete Aramendi
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Best Student/Resident/Fellow Presentation
A Machine Learning-based Dispatch Rule for Drone-delivered Defibrillators
K.H. Benjamin Leung, Jamal Chu, Sheldon Cheskes, Paul Snobelen, Gordon Nevils, Ian Drennan, Timothy Chan
University of Toronto

Best EMS Professional Research Presentation
Evaluation of Computer Algorithmic Indicators in Predicting COVID-19 Positive Patients in the Prehospital Setting
Timothy Burns, Roger Stone, Benjamin Kaufman, Alan Butsch, Christopher Touzeau
Montgomery County (MD) Fire and Rescue Service

Best Poster Abstract Presentation
Comparison of Benzodiazepines, Ketamine and Antipsychotics for Prehospital Sedation of Patients Experiencing Behavioral Health Emergencies with Combativeness
Remle Crowe, Paul Pepe, Antonio Fernandez, Scott Bourn, Craig Manifold, J. Brent Myers

Best Cardiac Arrest Presentation
Association of Small Adult Ventilation Bags with Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Bonnie Snyder, Natalie Bulger, Robert Walker, Andrew Latimer, Betty Yang, Charles Maynard, Nicholas Johnson, Thomas Rea, Catherine Counts, Michael Sayre
University of Washington School of Medicine

Best Pediatric Presentation
Applying a Set of Termination of Resuscitation Criteria to Pediatric Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Matthew Harris, Jennifer Fishe, Remle Crowe, Salvatore D’Acunto, Kathleen Adelgais, Jennifer Anders
Cohen Children’s Medical Center – Northwell Health

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Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

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We apologize for any inconvenience.