NAEMSP Announces Grants, Scholarships and Awards at 2022 Annual Meeting​

January 31, 2022

The work of EMS professionals has always been vital, and as the COVID-19 pandemic continues into 2022, the skill and dedication of these individuals is as important as ever before. The National Association of EMS Physicians® (NAEMSP®) honored some professionals at their 2022 Annual Meeting with grants, scholarships and awards.

NAEMSP/Stryker EMS Medicine Medical Director Fellowship

NAEMSP and Stryker present this 12-month, $80,000 fellowship covers training and education costs to pursue a career as a clinically focused EMS medical director who is board-certified in EMS medicine. The opportunity was created to expand the commitment of academic institutions to EMS medicine as a subspecialty and graduate a fellow with a passion for EMS leadership on a national level.

This year’s winner, Dr. Katherine Connelly, will complete the fellowship at the University of Cincinnati.

“I am honored and humbled to have been chosen as the recipient of the 2022 NAEMSP/Stryker Fellowship. I am passionate about advancing care for critically ill and injured patients in the prehospital setting and am excited at the opportunities for learning and collaboration made possible by this award. I look forward to connecting with EMS providers on the local, national, and international stage and am extremely grateful for the support of NAEMSP and Stryker as I take the next step in my training.” Dr. Conelly said.

NAEMSP/AMR-FRE Professional EMS Scholarship

Our friends at AMR-FRE graciously provided the NAEMSP/AMR-FRE ‎Professional EMS Scholarship again this year. The scholarship provides funding for registration, housing and travel related to the NAEMSP Annual Meeting for professional members who have not previously attended the NAEMSP annual meeting.

This year’s winners are: Ben Applebome, Sean MacAllister, Thomas Castiglione, Rick Allgood, Robert Storck, Jason Jones, Jenn Oese, Elizabeth Melton, Madison Sehn, Matthew Eckart, and Nate Green.

NAEMSP Professional Awards

The Ronald D. Stewart Award honors a person who has made a lasting, major contribution to the national EMS community. 

Henry Wang, MD, MS – Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, The Ohio State University

The Keith Neely Outstanding Contribution to EMS Award honors an active or past member of NAEMSP who has provided significant leadership to the association.

David C. Cone, MD – EMS Physician, Maui Memorial Medical Center
Editor-in-Chief, Prehospital Emergency Care Journal

The Friends of EMS Award honors an individual or organization furthering NAEMSP’s mission by helping to influence or implement national public policy.

J. Brent Myers, MD, MPH, FAEMS – Chief Medical Officer, ESO
Chair, NAEMSP Advocacy Committee

The President’s Award honors members of NAEMSP who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the organization by creating new initiatives or furthering the work of the organization. This year’s recipients are being recognized for their tireless leadership and inspiring scholarship as editors of the NAEMSP Airway Compendium.

Henry Wang, MD, MS – Professor, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, The Ohio State University
Editor in Chief, NAEMSP Airway Compendium‎

David C. Cone, MD – EMS Physician, Maui Memorial Medical Center
Editor-in-Chief, Prehospital Emergency Care Journal

Frank X. Guyette, III, MD, MPH, FAEMS – Emergency Physician, Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Chair, NAEMSP Standards and Clinical Practice Committee

Joelle Donofrio, DO, FAAP, FACEP, FAEMS – Assistant Professor, San Diego Fire-Rescue

Remle Crowe – Director of Research, ESO

Christopher B. Colwell, MD, FACEP – Medical Director, Zuckerberg SF General Hospital

John Lyng, MD, FAEMS, FACEP, NRP – Medical Director, North Star Medical Solutions, Inc.

Nichole Bosson, MD, MPH, FAEMS – LA County EMS Agency

NAEMSP Research Awards

Best Scientific Presentation

Hyperoxia and Outcome Before and After Implementation of the Prehospital Traumatic Brain Injury Guidelines

Daniel W. Spaite, Chengcheng Hu, Bentley J. Bobrow, Bruce J. Barnhart, Joshua B. Gaither, Amber D. Rice, Vatsal Chikani, Kurt Denninghoff, Gail H. Bradley, Jeffrey T. Howard, and Samuel M. Keim

Arizona Emergency Medicine Research Center, University of Arizona College of Medicine–Phoenix, University of Arizona–Tucson Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, UT Health of Houston McGovern Medical School, Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of EMS, University of Arizona–Tucson, and University of Texas at San Antonio 

Best Student/Resident/Fellow Research Presentation

Smaller AED Electrode Pad Size Does Not Compromise Defibrillation Shock Success with Biphasic Waveforms

Rose T. Yin, Rudolph W. Koster, Corina de Graaf, Fred W. Chapman, and Tyson G. Taylor

Stryker Emergency Care, and Amsterdam UMC, Academic Medical Center

Best EMS Professional Research Presentation

Placement and Use of Pediatric Vascular Access in the United States
Jonathan R. Powell, Ashish R. Panchal, and Rebecca E. Cash
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, The Ohio State University, and Massachusetts General Hospital 

Best Poster Abstract Presentation

Effect of Acceleration and Jerk on the Delivery of High-Quality CPR in a Moving Vehicle: An Exploratory Study
Martin A. C. Manoukian, Samantha K. Brown, Elisabeth H. Wynia, Ian M. Julie, John S. Rose, and Bryn E. Mumma
UC Davis 

Best Cardiac Arrest Presentation

Injury Characteristics of Chest Compressions in a Swine Model of Infant Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest Using Either 1.5 inch or One-Third Anterior-Posterior Diameter Depth Targets
David D. Salcido, Allison C. Koller, Ericka L. Fink, Robert Berg, and James J. Menegazzi
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, and University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine 

Best Disaster Research Presentation

Community Paramedic Home Oxygen Titration Program During COVID Pandemic Disaster
Katherine Staats, Heidi Hutchison, Kimia Rezai, and Dave Duncan
University of California San Diego and EMS Authority of California 

Best Pediatric Research

A Novel Method to Improve Prehospital Pediatric CPR Quality: Simulation-based Assessment
Jennifer F. Anders, Karen O’Connell, and Cynthia Wright-Johnson
Johns Hopkins University, Children’s National Hospital, and Maryland Institute for EMS Systems

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