The work of EMS is as important as ever, and the work individuals do to advance the subspecialty is vital to EMS continually providing the best possible care for its patients. At its 2023 Annual Meeting in Tampa, FL, The National Association of EMS Physicians® (NAEMSP®) honored some outstanding EMS colleagues with grants, scholarships and awards.
NAEMSP/Stryker EMS Medicine Medical Director Fellowship
This 12-month, $60,000 fellowship presented by NAEMSP and Stryker covers training and education costs to pursue a career as a clinically focused EMS medical director who is board-certified in EMS medicine. The opportunity was created to expand the commitment of academic institutions to EMS medicine as a subspecialty and graduate a fellow with a passion for EMS leadership on a national level.
This year’s winner, Christopher Root, MD, NRP, will complete the fellowship at the University of New Mexico.
“I am honored to have been selected to receive the 2023 NAEMSP/Stryker Fellowship. I plan to use the funding offered by the fellowship to focus on improving prehospital care for marginalized communities. This fellowship will allow me to collaborate with and learn from experts locally, nationally and internationally and I am so thankful for the support of NAEMSP and Stryker as I enter the next phase of my career in EMS,” Dr. Root said.
NAEMSP/AMR-FRE Professional EMS Scholarship
Our friends at AMR-FRE graciously provided the NAEMSP/AMR-FREÂ Professional EMS Scholarship again this year. The scholarship provides funding for registration, housing and travel related to the NAEMSP Annual Meeting for professional members who have not previously attended the NAEMSP annual meeting.
This year’s winners are: David Aber, Edward Coleman, Erin Donathan, Stephen Dowker, Brett Meyer, Courtney Meyer, Whitney Morgan, Ginger Oviatt, Killian Pache, David Roach, John vonRosenberg, and Michael Whitehurst.
NAEMSP Professional Awards
The Ronald D. Stewart Award honors a person who has made a lasting, major contribution to the national EMS community. This year’s winner is:
E. Brooke Lerner, PhD, FAEMS
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
The Keith Neely Outstanding Contribution to EMS Award honors an active or past member of NAEMSP who has provided significant leadership to the association. This year’s winner is:
Juan March, MD, FAEMS
Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services
Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University
The Friends of EMS Award honors an individual or organization furthering NAEMSP’s mission by helping to influence or implement national public policy. This year’s winner is:
FirstNet, Built with AT&T
The President’s Award honors members of NAEMSP who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the organization by creating new initiatives or furthering the work of the organization. This year’s winners are:
Lynn White, MS, FAEMS
Director of Research, Global Medical Response
NAEMSP Board Member
“For her lifelong commitment to supporting EMS medicine through science, education and leadership.”
—​NAEMSP President Michael Levy, MD, FAEMS, FACEP, FACP
Raymond L. Fowler, MD, FACEP, FAEMS
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Services
Chief, Division of Emergency Medical Services
University of Texas Southwestern
“For having an insatiable appetite for learning and being a tireless educator, EMS scion and mentor to the subspecialty.”
—NAEMSP President Michael Levy, MD, FAEMS, FACEP, FACP
NAEMSP Quality and Safety Award

Josh Kimbrell
NAEMSP Research Awards
Best Scientific Presentation
Long-term Trajectory of Neurologic Outcome After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Henry Wang
Best Student/Resident/Fellow Research Presentation
Eligibility of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients for Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the United States: A Geographic Information System Model
Adam Gottula
Best EMS Professional Research Presentation
Simulated Night Shifts and the Effect of Nap Duration on Clinician Blood Pressure: An Interim Analysis​
P. Daniel PattersonÂ
Best Poster Abstract Presentation
EMS Encounters for Pediatric Behavioral Conditions: Interventions and Inequities
Benjamin Lang
Best Cardiac Arrest Presentation
Double Sequential External Defibrillation for Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation: The DOSE VF Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Sheldon Cheskes
Best Pediatric Research Presentation
Factors Associated with Prehospital Epinephrine Use in Pediatric Anaphylaxis: A Cross-Sectional Study
Rachel Elizabeth HatcliffeÂ