Operational EMS: Fireground/HAZMAT/Tactical

The NAEMSP Operational EMS Committee is comprised of dedicated and passionate EMS physicians who work and volunteer side-by-side with our first responders in Hazardous Materials response, tactical medicine and fireground support. 

In addition, committee members work as liaisons with other related organizations, such as ACEP, NFPA and the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) to pursue safety and best practices from all fronts.

The Operational EMS Committee projects range from reviewing evidence and discerning best practices for cyanide exposure on fireground scenes to developing recommendations for after-action report writing following MCIs and developing tools and recommendations for police officer training in hemorrhage control, CPR and naloxone use. Each year, we also seek to provide expert lectures and hands-on trainings related to operational EMS. 

Every NAEMSP committee functions because of the work of our volunteers: those willing to take the time to research, review, study and collaborate. The Operational EMS committee is no different. If you are interested in learning more and joining our team, please let us know!

Committee Chair

Christopher Berry, MD, FAEMS
Danville, PA

[email protected] 

ACGME-accredited EMS fellowship programs

Should you be interested in ACGME-accredited EMS fellowship programs, please click here.

Interested in Joining the Committee?

Please update your online membership profile to include this committee selection and contact our chair, Chris Berry, to become actively involved.

Not a Member?

Become a NAEMSP member today and take an active role in shaping our organization.

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The NAEMSP office will be closed for the holidays:

Monday, December 23, 2024 – Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.