Prehospital Pediatric Respiratory Distress and Airway Management Interventions
Matthew Harris, John W. Lyng, Maria Mandt, Brian Moore, Toni Gross, Marianne Gausche-Hill, J. Joelle Donfrio-Odmann
Matthew Harris, John W. Lyng, Maria Mandt, Brian Moore, Toni Gross, Marianne Gausche-Hill, J. Joelle Donfrio-Odmann
Sabina Braithwaite, Christopher Stephens, Kyle Remick, Whitney Barrett, Francis X. Guyette, Michael Levy, Christopher Colwell
Veer Vithalani, Samuel Sondheim, Angela Cornelius, John Gnzales, Mary P. Mercer, Brooke Burton, Michael Redlener
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), and National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO)
NAEMSE Standards & Practices Committee