We provide the NAEMSP Board of Directors with a broad, diverse voice from EMS content experts on all matters related to the practice of EMS medicine.
Committee Chair
Joshua Gaither, MD, FAEMS
Tucson, AZ
Position Statements
We hold responsibility for the initial receipt and review of suggested position statement topics and provide preliminary recommendations regarding the fate of these suggestions to the NAEMSP Board of Directors.
Following Board sanctioning of a writing project, we also hold responsibility for oversight of the project and moderate the timely achievement of writing tasks.
Finally, we perform a committee-level review of the project writing team’s completed product prior to consideration by the Board of Directors for ratification and publication in Prehospital Emergency Care.
Guiding Documents, Forms and Policies
- Guidance Plan for NAEMSP Positions Statements
- Process Map for NAEMSP Position Statements
- SBAR Form for Submission of Position Statement Proposals
- Instructions for Completing the SBAR Proposal Form
- Recommendations for Methods of Evidence Evaluation and Reporting
in NAEMSP Position Statements
Position Statements and Resource Documents primarily authored by NAEMSP are managed per the Document Lifecycle Policy. Documents, including Joint Position Statements, primarily authored by organizations other than NAEMSP are subject to the review and revision standards of the parent organization.
If you have suggestions for future Position Statements and Resource Documents, please contact the chair of the Standards & Clinical Practices Committee.
Interested in Joining the Committee?
Please update your online membership profile to include this committee selection and contact our chair, Josh Gaither, to become actively involved..
If you have suggestions for future Position Statements and Resource Documents, please see the Quick Access links here for more information.
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