Presented by NAEMSP and Washington University
This podcast provides education to the EMS practitioner who is always asking “but why?” using physician-level expert commentary, queries from paramedics, and some good old-fashioned humor.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice; for answers regarding specific medical treatment questions, please see your primary care physician for your specific needs. If you feel that this is an emergency, please call 911.
Ep. 20 D Bolus No More!
For paramedics, Brought to you by which is an intuitive one-touch solution that connects in-field clinicians and medical directors in real-time, The But Why EMS Podcast team brings to you a great conversation with Kim McKenna PhD,…
But Why EMS Podcast Ep. 19 PALing around with Antevy
For paramedics, Brought to you by which is an intuitive one-touch solution that connects in-field clinicians and medical directors in real-time, the But Why EMS Podcast team is proud to bring you our recurring guest, Dr….