
Article Bites #39: Prehospital IV bolus nitrogylcerin for pulmonary edema? An evaluation of feasibility, effectiveness and safety

Patrick C, Ward B, Anderson J, Rogers Keene K, Adams E, Cash RE, Panchal AR, Dickson R. Feasibility, Effectiveness and Safety of Prehospital Intravenous Bolus Dose Nitroglycerin in Patients with Acute Pulmonary Edema. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2020 Nov-Dec;24(6):844-850. An author’s summary by Casey Patrick, MD Background The broad teaching of “CHF Exacerbation” as a singular …

Article Bites #39: Prehospital IV bolus nitrogylcerin for pulmonary edema? An evaluation of feasibility, effectiveness and safety Read More »

Thoracic Ultrasound in Respiratory Distress: Another Tool in the Diagnostician’s Briefcase

by Emily Fitzgerald, MD Just your Average Case of Undifferentiated Respiratory Distress Your ALS crew is dispatched to a local nursing home for the 74-year-old female with shortness of breath, priority 2. You arrive on scene to find an elderly woman in respiratory distress. She is tripoding in bed, has marked accessory muscle usage and …

Thoracic Ultrasound in Respiratory Distress: Another Tool in the Diagnostician’s Briefcase Read More »

Article Bites #38: Outcomes of Prehospital Chemical Sedation with Ketamine Versus Haloperidol and Benzodiazepine or Physical Restraint Only

Article Bites #38: Outcomes of Prehospital Chemical Sedation with Ketamine versus Haloperidol and Benzodiazepine or Physical Restraint Only Article Summary by Angela Cornelius MD Article: O\’Connor L, Rebesco M, Robinson C, Gross K, Castellana A, O\’Connor MJ, et al. Outcomes of prehospital chemical sedation with ketamine versus haloperidol and benzodiazepine or physical restraint only. Prehosp …

Article Bites #38: Outcomes of Prehospital Chemical Sedation with Ketamine Versus Haloperidol and Benzodiazepine or Physical Restraint Only Read More »

Article Bites #37: In the absence of STEMI, do we need to rush to the cath lab following ROSC?

 by Casey Patrick, MD @cpatrick_89 Article: Lemkes JS, Janssens GN, van der Hoeven NW, Jewbali LSD, Dubois EA, Meuwissen M, Rijpstra TA, Bosker HA, Blans MJ, Bleeker GB, Baak R, Vlachojannis GJ, Eikemans BJW, van der Harst P, van der Horst ICC, Voskuil M, van der Heijden JJ, Beishuizen A, Stoel M, Camaro C, van …

Article Bites #37: In the absence of STEMI, do we need to rush to the cath lab following ROSC? Read More »

Article Bites #36: Is Using of Warning Lights and Sirens Associated With Increased Risk of Ambulance Crashes? A Contemporary Analysis Using National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) Data

Article Summary by James Li, MD (@jamesli_17) Article: Watanabe, B. L., Patterson, G. S., Kempema, J. M., Magallanes, O., & Brown, L. H. (2019). Is use of warning lights and sirens associated with increased risk of ambulance crashes? A contemporary analysis using National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) data. Background: Emergency response vehicles frequently utilize lights …

Article Bites #36: Is Using of Warning Lights and Sirens Associated With Increased Risk of Ambulance Crashes? A Contemporary Analysis Using National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) Data Read More »

Article Bites #35: The Negative association between Number of airway attempts and neuro-intact survival following OHCA

Article Summary by Casey Patrick, @cpatrick_89 Article: Murphy, D. L., Bulger, N. E., Harrington, B. M., Skerchak, J. A., Counts, C. R., Latimer, A. J., … & Sayre, M. R. (2021). Fewer tracheal intubation attempts are associated with improved neurologically intact survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation, 167, 289-296. Who, What, When, Where and How? …

Article Bites #35: The Negative association between Number of airway attempts and neuro-intact survival following OHCA Read More »

Article Bites #34: Bringing the Stroke Center to the Stroke: How Effective are Mobile Stroke Units?

Article Summary by Ian Brodka and Andrew Lee Article: Grotta, J. C., Yamal, J. M., Parker, S. A., Rajan, S. S., Gonzales, N. R., Jones, W. J., … & Bowry, R. (2021). Prospective, Multicenter, Controlled Trial of Mobile Stroke Units. New England Journal of Medicine, 385(11), 971-981.   Background:  The traditional pre-hospital model for stroke …

Article Bites #34: Bringing the Stroke Center to the Stroke: How Effective are Mobile Stroke Units? Read More »

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